Publication of conference proceedings

Deadline for the submission of contributions to conference proceedings: 31st December 2007.
Papers in pdf format should be sent to the Organizing Committee

The length of papers should not exceed 15 pages. The papers will be submitted to refereeing procedure and the decision will be communicated to the authors by 15th April 2008.

Book of Abstracts

Book of Abstracts - PDF version

Conference Scope and Themes

IFIP TC 7 promotes development of methods and applications in all fields of system modeling and optimization. Each biennial conference gathers the TC 7 Working Groups and a wide community of researchers, thus providing a platform for exchanging ideas and results pertaining both to theoretical aspects and to computational experience gained on specific applications. The main areas addressed by the conference include: Participants are encouraged to contribute talks on computational aspects of modeling and optimization problems arising in all domains of interest of the IFIP TC 7 Working Groups, such as Aerospace, Biomedicine, Economics, Meteorology, and Public Services. Some specific examples are: on-line and off-line computational techniques in modeling and control of dynamic systems, including Nonlinear Model Predictive Control and hybrid control systems, optimization of decentralized systems and systems with multicriteria, optimization of resource allocation in urban systems, optimization of pollution-control systems, man-machine systems, and power systems operation.
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